Wednesday, July 25, 2012

007 - Its time to reboot

'Time and tide waits for no man!!' so very true... the 007 moment of my life is here.. ಲೋಕಲ್ಆಗಿ ಹೇಳೋದ್ದಾರೆ its the "Anna Bond" moment... 7 years is completed in my work life... seriously time just flies by... just felt like so may things happened in life over last 7 years within a blink of an eye... 

As usual service anniversary wishes... 7 years of this ... 7 years of that... all I can say is... its been 7 years of everything yet nothing!!!. No doubt last 7 years have been wonderful professionally... I have transformed from a trainee to a mentor, from a beginner to a leader [ya ya.. show off!! :)]... have been to places and going strong... yet I believe that I have not lived up to my true potential... I have probably tried to play it very safe and take it easy rather than grabbing those potential opportunities and taking up new challenges...

Before I blink few more times and realize already 15 or 20 years are gone.. its time to reboot self and start doing right things at right time... 


Sumit said...

Everything has a purpose, even this, and it's up to you to find it. The journey is what brings us happiness not the destination

Above all "There are no ordinary moments. "

happy anniversary!

Anonymous said...

Why not try higher studies( Executive MBA) its high time you take that up- that will be a major boost in your career and life!!More opportunities fall into your place. More exposure more learning.. personal life settles on its own!